Hot Water: To Install it or Not in Your Campervan

That is the question! Does your campervan need hot water? It may seem like a luxury and do you actually need it? Absolutely not! It is not essential, but there are occasions when the ability to provide your own hot water will make life easier and more comfortable.  

Why would you want hot water in your campervan? 

  • It is more pleasant to wash dishes in your van and easier to do with hot water. 
  • To shower comfortably in your van and not just when the weather is hot outside. 
How does hot water in your campervan work?

Primarily, the mechanism powering the hot water system is the combustion of diesel fuel, which is pulled from your van’s fuel tank. When diesel is burned, it generates a significant amount of heat. This heat is harnessed efficiently to warm up a coolant. The heated coolant then travels to a Plated Heat Exchanger that is located in the hot water cylinder that we install underneath your van. The exchanger has onboard water going through it intended for domestic use, such as showering or cooking.

Through this heat exchange process, the water is heated and subsequently stored in a dedicated hot water tank. This ensures that campervanners have access to hot water on demand.

The hot water systems vary with our vans.

Transporter: Webasto Integrated EVO5 Hydronic Hot Water
  • The diesel-fired hot water system in the Achtung Camper Campervan is a compact unit.
  • It is easy to install.
  • Offers robust brass fittings.
  • Can be operated whilst on the move, providing hot water and/or warm air.
  • Mounted next to a 15 litre Buffer Tank which contains a Plate Heat Exchanger.
  • Low current draw and fuel consumption.
  • Separate water pump.
  • Completely enclosed combustion process, no naked flame.
  • Heating time is 20 minutes, with a re-heat time of 15 minutes.
  • Heating temperature is between 38° and 50°C.
  • 12 volt.
  • Two year nationwide product warranty.
  • Easy to use, program and read Digital Multi-Controller.
Vito: DH9 Hydronic Diesel Hot Water System
  • Provides fast hot water.
  • Heating time is 10 minutes, with a re-heat time of four minutes between showers.
  • Compact system.
  • Minimal noise and power consumption.
  • Improved water and dust resistance.
  • Stainless steel.

Read here about our van’s water tank gauge.