
Our day on a plate – a typical day’s menu when camping in the bush

Planning your daily menu when camping when there is no power and running water nearby can be tricky. So we thought we would share what we eat in a day when camping.

Breakfast: Boiled egg with toast, baked beans and toast with butter and honey.  Cup of tea or coffee.

Notes: Good to get a serve of vegies in for breaky. Tinned baked beans are a camping staple and can be eaten for any meal!  Also like to add a few fried tomatoes or smoked salmon if we have it on hand.

Lunch: Tinned tuna (another camping staple), avocado on toast, carrot or cucumber sticks with cheese and/or peanut butter.  Any leftovers from last nights dinner still in the fridge.

Notes: make sure you have a few Tupperware containers with you.  Carrots, cucumbers and avocados are great as they don’t have to be refrigerated.

Snacks: Handful of nuts with a piece of fruit, fruit with yoghurt.

Dinner: Pasta with tinned tomatoes/sugo, garlic, any vegies we have on hand, olives if we have them, cheese on top.

Notes: We try to use the pasta made from beans, it boils quicker and means you are getting more vegies into your day.  You can find it in the health food aisle at any supermarket.

After dinner: chips or popcorn with beer, or wine and cheese if it’s cold, sometimes just tea and some biscuits.  Marshmallows melted by the fire if it’s cold.

Notes: I keen making the same mistake of buying chocolate biscuits like TV snacks which of course end up a melted mess…don’t want to waste valuable fridge space!

(No nutritional commentary please!)

To see more recipes to help inspire your menu when camping for your next trip read our blog.