Ronny’s Camping Essentials

Ronny’s camping essentials:

Without further ado, let us introduce you to Ronny’s camping essentials for the man in the bush! From his trusty gear to essential gadgets, Ronny’s got you covered.

Good knife 

One good quality, sharp large knife can be used in a multitude of ways: chopping veggies, cutting bread, making kindling, making a spear to go hunting…the possibilities are endless.

Reusable stainless steel double-layered water bottle  

For the cup of tea on long road trips the doesn’t get cold, and so you can have a drink of water anywhere, anytime, truly a must-have! 

 Oversized (large and heavy) Maglite style torch  

Yes we know, big and heavy is not really campervan friendly BUT we feel secure when we need to go outside in the middle of the night to use the toilet when we have this 2kg aluminium ‘weapon’ with us.  Plus it’s lovely to have a powerful torch when you want to gush over/blind cheeky possums surrounding your van in the dark.  


Because we love hiking, love camping in summer and love camping in the bush!   


Now that you have checked out Ronny’s list of camping essentials take a look at:

Tania’s camping essentials

Nerdia’s camping essentials