Campervan Cooking: Tips for Meal Preparation on the Go

Cooking on the road is a different experience – there’s the limited space and storage that you need to manage from the beginning. However, if you are prepared and follow a few of our suggestions it will be more enjoyable, rewarding and most importantly – nourishing. …

Achtung Camper Paster recipe
Campervan Cooking: Meals on the Move

Easy, one pot pasta recipe for cooking in an Achtung Campervan. Meals on the Move! …

Cooking in campervan
Campervan Cooking: The Options in an Achtung Campervan

These are three options for cooking in an Achtung Camper Campervan. …

cashew curry camping recipe
Healthy Camping Recipe – Lentil and Cashew Curry with Yoghurt

Did we mention we’re working on a ‘non-campervan building but still campervan related’ long-term project?  That’s right, some of us at Achtung Camper are pooling together our knowledge and love of a healthy camping recipe, nutrition and campervan living to eventually publish a healthy eating campervan cookbook.  The requirements?  Meals have to be super nutritious, …